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Creativity and Nature

Due to my background, I am very much an advocate of the survival sport, Wild Camping. I find there to be a balance in nature that I very rarely find amongst people. Being autistic, I find it far easier to be around animals and natural surroundings than I do humans. This is not to say that I don't enjoy socialising, as I do and often speak with friends sometimes for hours. Yet, there is a logical immediacy to the natural world that many people have simply lost connection with. All animals behave in a necessary fashion, they kill what they can eat, their interactions, although at times can tread into territorial warring, whereby competition for supremacy is rallied out, almost never becomes barbaric or nonsensical, as can often be the case with the criminality of human predilections.

It is this macrocosmic harmony; this intricate wholeness I sense in nature when sleeping alone in a tent in the middle of nowhere, that I attempt to instil into both my paintings and my music. I often feel I would be most happy living in a small cottage high up in the mountains or overlooking a Fjord in Scandinavia. Art allows me to maintain this connection to natural peace, whilst surrounded by the noise and polluting haste of modern urban life. Ultimately, the most creative and innovative artist is Nature itself.

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